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The Clarionette

The student news site of University High School

The Clarionette

The Clarionette

Reagan Hedman

Reagan Hedman, Reporter, Photographer

Reagan Hedman (she/her) is a senior at UHigh and hopes to study mechanical engineering in college next year. She has a younger brother at Metcalf and an older sister at Iowa State University. This is her first year enrolled in journalism and she’s excited to build writing experience throughout the year. Reagan’s favorite aspect of journalism is photography, specifically, sports, because of its fast pace. She can be seen at many of the junior varsity and varsity girls basketball games either taking pictures or playing in the pep band.

Reagan is also involved in a variety of band activities at the school and works a part-time job. In her free time, she enjoys cooking new dishes, shopping for clothes, and rock climbing at The Proving Ground. Reagan also frequently paints her and her friends’ nails, and enjoys learning new designs off of Pinterest and buying new nail polish for her collection.

All content by Reagan Hedman
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