Fact or Fiction: Dearing Edition

Bailey Larsen, Reporter

After 18 years at U-High, Brad Dearing, the Principle of Technology and Engineering Design/CAD teacher has many stories circulating around him. Some are true and some are not.

To find out the real stories we sat down with Dearing to debunk the myths.

Fact?: “Rumor has it, he has a bunker. He’s never denied it, but he also won’t tell us where it is,” senior Alyssa Van Valey said.

“I deny it and also won’t tell anyone where it is,” Dearing said.

Fact: “He says he would charge a million dollars for anyone who wanted to stay in the bunker in an apocalypse,” senior Egerton Dover said.

“True, or a semi tanker full of gasoline,” Dearing said.

Not all the stories were about an apocalypse though, many were about parenting and children.

Fiction: “He sells medicine oil to kids,” junior Becca Wagner said.

“Well, I am a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils, and I sell some to parents of students.” Dearing said.

Some myths were even about his own kids.

Fiction: “He wanted his kids to get the mumps so they’d be immune,” senior Melody Benyamin said.

“I never wanted them to get the mumps, but a natural immunity is better than a vaccine immunity,” Dearing said. “People can conspire what they choose from that.”

Fact: “He believes his kids should build their own cars and parents should definitely not buy their kids cars.” Benyamin said. “The kids should build it or buy it themselves.”

“If you give kids everything they tend to lack responsibility, but then when they buy or build something themselves they take pride in ownership and take better care of it,” Dearing said.

Some of the stories were pretty unbelievable for his 5’11 stature.

Fiction: “He can dunk on a 10 foot rim,” senior Peyton Penn said.

“I can touch the rim, but can’t dunk. It’s on my bucket list though,” Dearing said.

Extraterrestrials were a recurring subject mentioned by students.  

Fact: “He talks about aliens a lot,” Benyamin said.

Fiction: “He saw a UFO around his house and it landed across the street and he said it was for some investigation,” senior Andrew Ponce said.

“I never saw space people like a UFO, but drones fly over our house. A government helicopter hovers our house as well. I guess you could call a drone an unidentified flying object,” Dearing said.

Apparently even the government is interested in Mr. Dearing.

Fact: “He talks about how a helicopter showed up at his house and thought he was growing weed and a worker of his said it was over his farm plants,” senior Logan Wolf said.
“I have had a government type helicopter hover the property on several occasions and it tried to engage a farm worker from the helicopter,” Dearing said. “On one of the citings the helicopter crew was trying to take samples from the horse weeds. The weeds do have a marijuana type appearance.”