Teacher side hustles

Sydney Lynch, Reporter

Despite the fact that teaching already takes up a lot of time, some teachers have opted to make time for a second job. 

New front office and attendance administrator Teresa Fowler started this year in August. Apart from this job she also bakes cookies and truffles from home. 

“I have an assistant that helps me bake during the day and I do a lot of the other stuff in the evenings.” Fowler said, “During the holidays I don’t get much sleep.” 

Fowler always makes sure to put her daughter and her activities first.

“I try not to interrupt time with her,” Fowler said. “I always do a lot of stuff late at night so I have family time.” 

Fowler finds it important to make sure to protect rest amid the many hours she puts in at both jobs and as a mother.

“When she’s not with me, I make sure I have mental down time such as shopping or doing whatever I want to do,” Fowler said, “And [I] make sure when I need a break I have a break.” 

Of course, she keeps each job separate.

“School work stays here, I rarely take this work home,” Fowler said. 

All in all this job gives Fowler an opportunity to have a different outlet and self expression. She began her business in 2015. Getting her small business to grow took lots of advertising and word of mouth. 

Fowler’s most popular cookie is the sugar cookie 

“I dont tell my secrets,” Fowler said. “My sugar cookie has a secret ingredient that I put in my frosting, that makes it pretty awesome.” 

Another teacher taking on a job on the side is basketball coach and business teacher Andrew McDowell. He said this second job, which is in real estate, doesn’t create a lot of extra stress. “Because my second job doesn’t have set hours, it’s not very stressful,” McDowell said, “I can work when I want to work and not work when I don’t want to work” 

All he had to do was take a five-week course online and pass the test. Now he does not have a hard time finding time for extra activities. 

“I got lucky with my second job,” McDowell said. “I don’t have a boss.”